Pull lever with hookshot Go into east room go north, downstairs activate switch get small key go to northwest rooom CHEST 1: COMPASS go west, use raft CHEST 2: RED RUPEE go south CHEST 3: GOLD RUPEE back in raft room, go south and east CHEST 4: MONSTER GUTS take locked room up activate NW switch activate E switch activate W switch go north, up stairs kill Gigabari warp seal appears go SW step on switch bomb cracked floor, drop down get small key with hookshot open locked down in southeast water control room pull left handle go through north door CHEST 5: BLUE MAIL back to water control room, SW door pull NW lever, escape north step on switch to open NE door swim to NW corner, hookshot into wall pull right handle twice CHEST 6: SMALL KEY pull left handle once take NE door go west CHEST 7: SMALL KEY north, then east, step on switch CHEST 8: MONSTER GUTS blast cracked floor, go down go through locked SW door pull right handle twice swim to SE door, unlock kill gyorms, go N into fairy fountain go S from fontain, go upstairs merge into wall, pull left handle once step on switch pull right handle on new valve pull right handle on first valve swim to NW door smash skulls, switch beneath spin valve left CHEST 9: BIG KEY boss sage